I think everyone deserves a laugh this week!
Have a good weekend and remember to set your clocks back an hour on Sunday!
Believe in yourself no matter what! It can take you further in life than other things can. The belief that any deeds can be fulfilled begins somewhere: either you believe in yourself or someone else believes in you. However, without YOU believing in yourself, nothing that you want or desire would be accomplished. Be who you say you are.. and say what you feel .. because those that matter, don't mind ... and those that mind, don't matter!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Early Voting Ends Today!!!

There were a couple of people already there voting, but I was the first/ next in line with a machine open and ready for me. The volunteers that were there seemed like they could feel my excitement and were happy for me too! It’s such an easy, worthwhile process that you can’t believe that more people don’t do it. All they did was scan my Voters Registration Card, verified my address and handed me a code that gets placed in the machine. After choosing each candidate on the machine using the wheel, verify your choice and hit enter. They give you an “I Voted” sticker and you are on your way. That’s it! Easy as 1, 2, 3! It takes longer to get your food at a restaurant than it does to vote and we still out to eat don’t we?
I do understand the “hassle” when you wait until Election Day to vote. The lines are ridiculously long and sometimes tempers fly in the lines out of frustration. That’s why it’s important to vote during early voting times. No long lines at all!
It is such a let down when the person that you voted for doesn’t win, but you will not have the guilt afterward that you would feel if you didn’t vote. At least with your vote you tried to make a “change”.
If you haven’t voted yet, today is the last day for Early Voting. Please go out and pick your choice for the Presidency. Whether we agree or disagree, all that matters to me is that you vote. Let your opinion count!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
No They Didn't!
Now didn't I just talk about this madness yesterday? Why won't people get enough? It's never okay to do these types of things and there are other ways of getting your thoughts and opinions across. There are two stories here that are shown below. Neither one of them impressed me or shocked me which is the sad thing. I'm never surprised by the idiocy of people or the choices people make in this world. I'm sure someone will argue that there is "free speech". Yes there is. Both of these situations occured on university grounds. I'm sure that the African Americans students didn't have in their minds this morning to be called the "N word" just by attending school that day. Anyway - holla at me!
October 30th, 2008 Obama image found hanging on Kentucky campus. Authorities at the University of Kentucky are trying to find out who hanged a life-sized stuffed doll of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama on campus. The Obama likeness was found hanging from a tree on campus Wednesday morning, college spokesman Carl Nathe said. Police immediately took it down. School President Lee Todd says that he plans to personally apologize to the Obama family on behalf of the university and that he is "personally offended and deeply embarrassed by this disgusting episode." It's the second time an effigy has been found on a college campus recently. Earlier this week, George Fox University in Oregon said it was punishing four students who confessed to hanging a likeness of Obama from a tree. Obama wasn't the only victim of such pranks. Secret Service agents recently visited a California home where a mannequin of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin hangs from a noose. The display also features John McCain surrounded by fake flames coming out of the bungalow's chimney. Deputy Special Agent in Charge Wayne Williams told The Associated Press that so far that incident seems to be a harmless Halloween display. He said they are not treating it as a threat.The "cartoon" (which isn't funny at all) was placed in a college newspaper and has since published an apology for the "N Word" being used in the cartoon. *blank stare*

The Montclair State University (NJ) college newspaper has issued an apology for running The K Chronicles strip that used a racial epithet. The Keith Knight cartoon shows a woman going door to door asking people who they’ll vote for and the resident responds with the epithet. The editor, while apologizing for running the cartoon that resulted in a dozen calls to campus officials, blames the thought that all material coming from a syndicate would be safe and not need editing. “Many of you have voiced your displeasure with this cartoon, as is your right,” editor-in-chief Bobby Melok wrote. “It is never The Montclarion’s intention to offend its readership, and we sincerely apologize to all who were upset with this comic.” In an interview, Melok said the strip was received through MCT Campus, a syndicate that provides content for colleges across the country. A production editor placed it on the comics page without raising a flag, Melok said. “We assumed because it was part of the syndicate, it was appropriate,” Melok said. “We didn’t take the care that we should have. It was a mistake. From now on, we’re going to be more aware of what we put in the newspaper from outside and what we do ourselves.”
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Comments to "Barack's 30 Minute TV Special Tonight"..

I inadvertly posted the "Barack's 30 Minute TV Special Tonight" without the comment portion attached. So if you would like to comment on that post, comment here instead. Thank you and Saaaarrrrrrrryyyyy
10/29/08 - 3:16 p.m. ~ Holly said, I think the reason McCain is making a big deal about this is because they both agreed to use public funds to finance their campaign, which is how every candidate has ever done their campaign in the past 32 years. But in June Obama changed his mind and decided to go with private funding. From my limited understanding of this issue, lobbyists and other donors to the campaign can weigh heavily on his decision making once he is in the office because of their huge contributions and by using public funds, it outlaws lobby contributions. And a side note, it outlaws lobbyist contributions because of the McCain/Fiengold bill that was put in place in 2002 because of all the corruption.
Now this doesn’t mean a whole lot to me personally, but I think it’s important to state that McCain isn’t bitching for the sake of bitching, it’s a legit cause to him and other politicians who feel (or say they feel) that corruption in campaign funds is a big deal. I always think transparency and following the law is the way to go. And if you’re doing shady things that could surface later, well all I can say is “I’m glad I didn’t vote for you”.
Barack's 30 Minute TV Special Tonight!

So far, he has received many negative opinions and ads from McCain on choosing to spend the money that has been gifted to him from all sorts of followers. Some folks call it “phenomenal fundraising” which has been noted as the most money that has been raised in the history of this process.
I tell ya, people will find something wrong with any situation. I’ve been told throughout my life that you can’t make everyone happy all the time, IF EVER. These politicians try so hard to win our votes by telling us things that they know they can not do or will never do, but to get our vote they’ll say anything. Why do we believe them? Because we must! It’s not wrong to believe in something, it is wrong to be told something foul deliberately.
As much as I want Obama to win, I know he will have severe obstacles in his way. Several bad things have already happened and he hasn’t made it to the white house yet: the fool who said that she was jumped because she had a McCain/Palin sticker on her car, the two men who were arrested for plotting to assassinate him, having an Obama Effigy from a noose in a tree, and both Barack and Michelle being plastered on the cover of the New Yorker as terrorists – her with an afro and a gun and him with a turban in Muslim clothes bumping fists. I'm sure there are things that have happened that I haven't listed, but you get my drift.
Watch the special tonight!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Jennifer Hudson - Our Thoughts Are With You
What do you say to someone who has had, seems like everything, stripped from them? Do you say "Sorry for your loss" or "Our thoughts and prayers are with you" or "God, be with you and your family during your time of sorrow". All of that looks good and sounds good, but is it enough?
I remember when my cousin was killed a couple of years ago and I didn't know exactly what to say to my Aunt. It seemed like nothing that I would say could take that hurt from her. People say, just being there for someone is enough - they know you care. I agree with that, but is that even enough...
Whether it is enough or not I will not know, but I do want to say "Our Thoughts Are With You!"
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Redistribution Experiment
My friend Holly sent me this. Holla at me...
Today on my way to lunch I passed a homeless guy with a sign that read "Vote Obama, I need the money." I laughed. Once in the restaurant my server had on an "Obama 08" tie, again I laughed as he had given away his political preference -- just imagine the coincidence. When the bill came I decided not to tip the server and explained to him that I was exploring the Obama redistribution of wealth concept. He stood there in disbelief while I told him that I was going to redistribute his tip to someone who I deemed more in need--the apparently homeless guy outside. The server angrily stormed from my sight.
I went outside, gave the homeless guy $10 and told him to thank the server inside as I'd decided he could use the money more. The homeless guy grabbed the money. At the end of my rather unscientific redistribution experiment I realized the homeless guy was delighted to receive the money he did not earn, but the waiter was pretty angry that I gave away the money he did earn even though the actual recipient needed money more.
I guess redistribution of wealth is an easier thing to swallow in concept than in practical application.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Hold Up Ref!
What is the deal with this ref? Did he get WAY to carried away? He ended up shoulder bumping and almost making the tackle himself! How can he NOT be fired or even reprimanded?
Holla at me!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Obama on the Next Food Stamp?

"Inland GOP mailing depicts Obama's face on food stamp
11:39 PM PDT on Thursday, October 16, 2008 By MICHELLE DeARMONDThe Press-Enterprise
The October newsletter by the Chaffey Community Republican Women, Federated says if Obama is elected his image will appear on food stamps -- instead of dollar bills like other presidents. The statement is followed by an illustration of "Obama Bucks" -- a phony $10 bill featuring Obama's face on a donkey's body, labeled "United States Food Stamps."
'It was strictly an attempt to point out the outrageousness of his statement. I really don't want to go into it any further," Fedele said in a telephone interview Tuesday. "I absolutely apologize to anyone who was offended. That clearly wasn't my attempt. 'I didn't see it the way that it's being taken. I never connected,' she said. 'It was just food to me. It didn't mean anything else.'
She said she also wasn't trying to make a statement linking Obama and food stamps, although her introductory text to the illustration connects the two: 'bama talks about all those presidents that got their names on bills. If elected, what bill would he be on????? Food Stamps, what else!" Club Member Cries
The Obama campaign declined to comment. It's the campaign's policy to not address such attacks, said Gabriel Sanchez, a California spokesman for the campaign.
I want to thank “field negro” for posting this story. Some things just go overboard! I haven’t seen or heard anything this negative about McCain. Why should Obama be the brunt of such ignorant behavior? I know someone will remind me of “free speech” but this is ridiculous! Damn! And people from all over the world want to come here to live? Why would they when we have so much hate and ignorance around? My oldest daughter said at the beginning of the campaign that she didn’t want Obama to win because she was scared someone was going to try and hurt him.. I tried to be positive for her and let her know that I understand her fear, but that he will be protected. But I had to realize that there have been presidents who have been assassinated and had attempts on their lives. It’s already started for Obama and he hasn’t made it in the White House yet. With so much ignorance walking around it’s no wonder why my baby is so scared.

Holla at me and let me know what you think!."
Friday, October 17, 2008
Husband Choking

Bystanders watched in horror as Jackie Christie calmly waited for a male patron to save her husband's life. Luckily, Sanjay Mehta, a local medical student who was sitting at the bar in an adjacent room, was able to apply the Heimlich maneuver just in time to avert a tragedy. The chicken bone came up, and Jackie defended her decision not to let a female doctor save her husband.
'Miss Clarissa Jordan, or whatever her name is, came running over like a poodle in heat,' said Christie. I could tell she was lusting after my husband, which is why I wouldn't let her near him. Sure, she's a doctor, but that's a great way to get her little tongue down my husband's throat. Believe me, I'm no fool. Plus, my husband would never want a female doctor saving his life. He'd feel too guilty having another woman lay her hands on him. He'd rather die. I'm sure of it.
Bystanders reported that Christie was not satisfied to simply wave Jordan away. Instead, she began beating the woman with her purse until the horrified doctor fled in terror. Christie said those claims were exaggerated, but did admit to 'getting physical with her.
I wouldn't say I beat her that hard. I just was trying to deter her from her ultimate goal of having sex with my dying husband, said Christie. Yes, I hit her a couple time with my purse, but I had to. The woman was relentless! She kept saying He's going to die! He's going to die! And I was like 'Whatever, bitch. Keep your hands to yourself.
After Jordan fled the scene, another female attempted to call 9-1-1, but she, too, was thwarted by Jackie Christie. The women, 29-year-old waitress Cheryl Malcolm, insisted that she was jus t trying to help.
After that woman [Jordan] got beat up, I realized Doug was still choking, she said. So I ran over, grabbed my cell phone and started dialing 9-1-1. Then [Christie] slapped the phone out of my hand and told me to mind my business and stop looking at her husband like that. I had no idea what she was talking about. I would never look at that guy in a sexual way. Gross...
After Malcolm was turned away, it looked like the end for Doug Christie. The Kings forward lay in a heap on the floor, his face bulging and red, his fists clenched, and his throat clogged with a large chicken bone, while Jackie sat with her arms folded and waited.
I don't know the Heimlich maneuver or anything like that, so I didn't want to try anything that would hurt my baby, said Christie. I was getting a l ittle nervous, especially when his eyes started bulging out of his head, but I knew if I waited long enough, some guy would come along and save him. If not, Doug would have been killed. But it's Ok. I made him promise to come back and haunt me after he dies.
Dr. Mehta was summoned into the room by a frantic patron who witnessed the choking. After he administered the Heimlich to Christie, he noted that if another moment had passed, Doug would've surely perished.
I am extremely surprised that this man's wife did now allow Miss Jordan to save his life, said Mehta. If another minute had gone by, he would surely be dead. In my country, this mad woman would have her hands cut off and her vagina sewn shut.
After being revived, Doug hugged his wife and breathed a sigh of relief. He thanked Dr. Mehta for saving his life, and recalled the final moments before he was rescued.
Whew, that was a close call, said Christie, wiping the sweat off his brow. I actually saw scenes from my life flashing by. The funny thing was that my wife was in all of the scenes, even the ones from my childhood before I met her. She was just there in the background with her arms folded, shaking her head disapprovingly. Huh. I bet a shrink would have a field day with that one, huh? A male shrink, of course.'
After thanking Dr. Mehta, Christie also offered some words of gratitude to his wife.
Although I am glad to be alive, I'm equally glad that my wife spared me the indignity of having another woman give me the Heimlich, he continued. That would've been catastrophic. Even if I had lived, what kind of life what tha t have been, knowing that I looked at, and briefly touched, another woman? I guess it would be kind of a normal life, actually. Anyway, that's the last time I ever eat chicken.
In order to avoid future incidents like the one that took place at the Pilothouse, the Christies have decided never to eat in a public place again. There's a lot of danger to eating in public, said Doug. The outside world is fraught with peril. You never know, you could be sitting there eating, minding your business, and a chicken bone could get lodged in your throat causing you to need assistance from a female doctor or paramedic. Don't laugh. It happened to us, and it could happen to you.
There are not too many things to say about this. I can't believe that this "man" would rather DIE then have a female save his life! While reading this story, I couldn't believe the extent of her jealousy. I've been jealous a time or two in my life but NEVER to this extreme!
Holla at me and let me know your thoughts!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
"Joe the Plumber" for President?

Holla at me and let me know your thoughts...
Monday, October 13, 2008
“Don’t eat Hog Maws or Pig Feet? Are you sure you’re black?”

I’m POSITIVE was my response to these questions. The things my people come up with, I tell ya. Just because I haven’t eaten these things doesn’t make me any less black than it makes someone more black because they eat these things everyday! So I guess me eating my weekly dose of chicken establishes my “blackness” for the week. People are crazy and get crazier by the minute. What's more weird is that it was a black person that was asking me the questions. C’mon people!
Holla at me and let me know your thoughts!
Friday, October 10, 2008

Holla at me and let me know your thoughts!
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
McCain, McCain, McCain

I guess he will never learn how NOT to offend. It's the little things that matter to people hardly ever the big things... The first for me, was the eye contact issue, or lack there of during the 1st Presidential Debate. Why at this day and age (get it?) are people STILL using that tactic to try and show the someone else that they are not important or better yet, what they are saying isn't important enough to even look you in the eye as you are speaking. This was a debate where different opinions on how things are to be handled will be discussed. We can disagree on things without either of us being put down or disrepected in the process, can't we? This is America, we don't have to agree on things, ANYTHING for that matter. Free speech is one of the most important rights that Americans have in this country. (Hence the Blog!)
The next was last night at the 2nd Presidential Debate when McCain referred to Obama as "That One". Now to some people this may not be offensive, but to "most" I would say that it is. Obama referred McCain by either his name or Senator McCain. Nothing more, nothing less. Why must McCain stoop to such a low blow as to "call him out his name" as one of the students pointed out last night while being interviewed.
Should I be offended by these moments? I'm sure people have opinions of these instances and I'd hate to throw the race card as so many others do, but I can't help as to think that it may have something to do with it. I've often heard if it looks like a dog, bark like a dog, then it's a dog - well his barking might just cause him the presidency.
The next was last night at the 2nd Presidential Debate when McCain referred to Obama as "That One". Now to some people this may not be offensive, but to "most" I would say that it is. Obama referred McCain by either his name or Senator McCain. Nothing more, nothing less. Why must McCain stoop to such a low blow as to "call him out his name" as one of the students pointed out last night while being interviewed.
Should I be offended by these moments? I'm sure people have opinions of these instances and I'd hate to throw the race card as so many others do, but I can't help as to think that it may have something to do with it. I've often heard if it looks like a dog, bark like a dog, then it's a dog - well his barking might just cause him the presidency.
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