Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Palin - Qualified?

I thought this was interesting.
Holla at me and let me know what you think.


hollybeth75 said...

I think this is typical crap that the left likes to throw out without backing with good points. I get tired of hearing about Palin not being qualified. She's a fuckin' govenor of a state. Just like Bill Clinton was. Was he unqualified too??

Tanja Wren said...

I totally agree. I think an Alaska Govenor has to be more qualified than an Arkansas Govenor...anyday. Unfortunately, no one currently running is truly qualified to hold the position. What we need to worry about are the people each person will bring to surround themselves and help make those important decisions. That's why friends and associations are so important. God Bless America.

hollybeth75 said...

Love it Tanja!

Saule Wright said...

I think asking if someone is qualified is valid and that a LOT of the backlash Palin is getting about her experience is a direct response to the backlash Obama had to deal with from the Clintons. Do I feel like either is valid? Eh, dunno. Best thing said is that Clinton didn't have experience either. For that matter, most company CEO's have NO idea how to do what is done on the ground level, that doesn't mean that they can't lead.