Monday, March 01, 2010

Every Problem is Not Mine to Fix...

I have got to realize one day soon, that I can not allow myself to be upset by things that I have NO CONTROL OVER or that do not concern me, but are issues that my friends are dealing with.. I keep telling myself over and over again that I need to control this, give advice without melting myself with their situation. Both my children have told me, “Mom, that’s not your business” OR “Mom, you can’t fix that.” (Smart kids I have.) It drives me nuts to know that something is wrong that may not have any affect on me at all, but it may concern someone I care about. It feels as though that issue is mine to deal with as well. I want to fix that problem so that it no longer exists for them ESPECIALLY if it is something that I have dealt with. Why would I want to see someone deal with the same issues as I’ve experienced? Why re-invent the wheel? Why is it that we do not heed the advice from others who have been down a path that we are currently traveling? Is it sooo hard for us to fathom that someone can help us? Is it that we do not want to hear or admit that we are in the wrong and need help?


klgray73 said...

A wise person (my sis) once told me. I appreciate all your advice, but I have to make my own mistakes. Stopped me in my bossy tracks.

Tiki said...

I don't see that as being "bossy". I see it as being "caring" or "concerned" maybe but not "bossy"... The best word may even be "controlling". I guess I am or I'm scared by things that are NOT under my control. It makes me anxious, unsure, afraid of what is coming next. If I have control of the "thing" (whatever it is) then I'm certain of the outcome, therefore there is no need to be concerned...

Unknown said...

I know what you mean. I hate not being able to help someone with a problem. But my issue is that when someone has a problem and doesn't share it with them, I take it personally. I think there must be something wrong with me that they don't want to share their problem. That hurts me.