Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Is Chris Brown's Apology Enough?

I guess since I did a two line post about Rihanna when this madness broke out between her and Chris Brown that I should post something from his side. Below you will find the apology-heard-around-the-world from Chris Brown. The good thing is that he didn't make excuses for his behavior, but do you think his apology will be enough to get his career back on track? There have been many excuses said in the media about him: he's young, we don't know the story, he's grown up with this in his household... None of those work for me. The one that actually "hurt" the most is the excuse that he's grown up with this happening in his house.. IF he saw his mother being hurt over and over again by his step-father, why on EARTH would he want to cause that type of pain to someone that he "supposedly" loves? I'll never understand... Anyway, for those that care, the line by line reading of his apology is below...


Saule Wright said...

I don't think his career is going to be hurt much at all. The majority of his fans (mostly under the age of 20) don't really give a shit, he didn't beat them. From what I've heard, most of them have been saying "What did she do...." so, I don't think he will be hurt.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that with enough time his career will be back on track but for now I think that people are still against him. It's like all the other people who do heinous things...after a while a certain amount of time they get forgiven it seems by the public. I know your question was rhetorical but I think that the reason he did this was because it was learned behavior. He was never taught how to properly deal with his anger and by witnessing his family go through this violence it was passed down to him. Hopefully if he is serious about being sorry and never letting it happen again he will make an effort to break the cycle of violence and do something about that i.e. go to counseling or anger management classes. I personally don't thin talking to your mom and minister is enough. Good intentions work when you are not in a fit of rage. We'll see what happens when he gets into another fight with his next girlfriend. I have a feeling if he doesn't take his promises a little more seriously then we'll see another black eye. And personally, I'd like to see a large donation to a charity affiliated with violence against women by this guy.