Friday, February 19, 2010

A Press Conference!? Really?

Why would someone feel the need to give a press conference about cheating? If that’s the case, press conferences would need their own network! CPCN – Cheating Press Conference Network. Yes, he needed to apologize to his wife, kids, and family for being a loser. Yes, he should apologize to the company’s who will lose money as a result of him BEING a loser, but really, a press conference?? I see press conferences for IMPORTANT MATTERS that affect us all, you know like 9/11 or something happening to our beloved president (not jinxing at all) but I mean something that is HIGHLY necessary to reach the masses… Tiger being a hoe? Not one of ‘em…


オテモヤン said...
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Tiki said...

It's a shame that just because I mentioned Tiger's name with no mention of the words 'sex' that my blog gets spammed with some weird spam... I had to delete it just because it was unreadable... FYI peeps...