Insanity – doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results…I’m going into the new year wanting different results than I’ve been receiving which means I need to change some things up while at the same time being true to myself!! Sounds difficult? Not really, considering I usually try to do what others want instead of what I want. I’ve tried to place others before me which have caused issues but my heart was in the right place, most of the time. I won’t say I haven’t made mistakes; none of us are without faults or imperfections. Some of us try harder than others to fix what we have done to cause others pain. I digress…
This time of year the Shoulda/Woulda/Coulda’s set in and we wonder how things would’ve turned out if this were done or if I would’ve done this… Why do we do that to ourselves? They say history repeats itself… It can but ONLY IF all the variables are unchanged! My history makes me who I am today, but I have a say so on how to react to my future. My future is bright and so is yours!! I don’t know about y’all, but I've been through some heavy things this year which I will not recreate in my future. Some things will need to be left behind in order for my future to be different than how my past has been...
Be safe tonight and every night... Make thought out choices and think BEYOND THE MOMENT!! So many people make decisions based on TODAY without any thought whatsoever to TOMORROW... Happy New Year 2 u all! Much luv and *smooches*!
AMEN! AMEN! AMEN!! :) Once again Ms. Tiki u hit the nail on the head!! <3 Hope u and ur Fam. have an AWESOME New Year!! :)- ...Love ALWAYS!! Aud xoxo
Happy New Year!!!!! I've got big plans and I've already accomplished one of my goals for the year, relaunching my site. Along with soulections and nappyafro, you can find me talking about stuff other than music at I'm not crazy, so I plan on doing new things this year.
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