Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Dreams Teach.. Listen to Them...

I rarely dream, or at least I rarely remember what I dream but this morning I awoke with a revelation and with tears streaming down my face. It appears that I was in New York or some place with mountainous buildings as far as I could view with all of them extrememly close together. I, along with countless others were "building jumping" atop them. It's like a camera zoomed in from the cement sidewalk to me on the rooftop. I was surrounded by 30 or so folks all doing as I am, "building jumping", all with somewhere to go. Except me. I had the feeling that I had no where to go to exactly, but yet there I was with everyone else. I come to a halt on top of a building that was almost the same width as me. When I made the successful leap, I sat down and refused to go any further. The folks behind me made no attempt to change my mind of the fact that I decided to sit instead of continuing on, they just went another route and continued on their way. One gentleman in particular decided to stop and talk to me and tried unsuccessfully for quite awhile. I was impressed by him. He never ceased in his motivation. A woman also stopped, she I recognized as someone I went to high school with. (I can't recall her name but when I see her again, I'm sure I'll weep.) When I saw her familiar face, I began to cry and she asked me, "Tiki, why won't you jump? You came this far?" I said, "I'm scared, what if I fall?" She said, "What IF you fall? What would happen?" I then exclaimed, "I would DIE!" She then explained, "Ok, and what if you died? Wouldn't you be with God? Isn't that where we all WANT to be?" as she opened her arms and pointed to all those folks around me. I WOKE UP, LITERALLY AND SPIRITUALLY this morning!