Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Silence… Something I should practice more of instead of putting words on my fist like boxing gloves.

Words can be daggers, knives or guns The battles I’ve lost total more than I’ve won.

No battles have winners if you stop and think. Just time lost during the fights and it’s gone in a blink.

What are we fighting for sometimes no one knows. A relationship can be over just as fast as the wind blows.

Everyone loses there are rarely winners you see. Sometimes silence is needed in order to agree.

The Day Our Eyes Met

The smile on my face covers the tears in my eyes.

I'm stronger than u'll ever realize..

My mind wants to shout but my mouth just grins

instead of hitting yo punk azz in the chin...

The words that I say approach with such haste

Gives my mouth such a horrible taste.

I can’t stop them coming they flow with such ease

I must stop living for you but for ME…

U’re all I know, all I have, all I want in this life

Why must u cause me such sickness and strife?

A love like this is wonderful and rare

I must take it and give it to someone who’ll care

Sometimes I sit, stop and think

If I didn’t respond to that first wink

What would my life have been

If I didn’t choose to let u in.

But in this life there are no regrets

No love lost, no boxes unchecked

We are what we were and nothing less

The day our lives changed, the day our eyes met

Friday, October 15, 2010

Nice Place...

I’m at a nice place. Not good, not bad, but NICE… I have things going on like everyone does, but it’s good to not be down and out or have that feeling of being lost with no way of seeing an upside to things.

This blog has really done a lot for me and my healing process while going through some major events in my life. I know some people who have read my writing have also said that it has helped them also. I’m grateful to have an outlet which brings happiness to me, the people around me and probably to some that I may not even know.

My problems are not just mine alone. I’m sure I’m not the only one who has gone through the issues I have. It helps to see how others have overcome obstacles regardless of how small they may seem. While going through them, they seem bigger than life…

I used to be “Happy Go Lucky” ALL the time and that did nothing but assist me in getting run over. I have down moments like everyone does, but I try to recognize that and change it once I notice that it’s happening. Positivity goes a long way. Life is forever evolving and unfortunately not always for the better. The only thing we can do is evolve with it. I’ve written before that not all change is bad, it’s just different and DIFFERENT is not always bad either.

Friday, October 01, 2010

Love is a HARD Feeling...

Love is such a hard feeling. Hard to understand, hard to sort out, hard to put words to. It’s a feeling that sometimes hits you in the face and you’re not ready for, sometimes it creeps up on your and you’re not ready for that either. Either way, how do you describe it? How do you know when you’re in love? How do you end the love you have for someone and open yourself up enough to receive it from someone else? How do you stop feeling the love you have for someone to allow yourself to give it to someone new? Love is hard to begin, hard to end, hard to mend, hard to lend… Love is such a hard feeling…